Reference Guide No. 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Local History and Genealogy Reading Room SURNAMES: A Selected List of References About Personal Names in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: 1992. Compiled by Paul J. Connor Contents I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES II. PERIODICALS III.SURNAMES BY COUNTRY IV. SURNAMES BY CULTURE I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Lawson, Edwin D., 1923- Personal names and naming : an annotated bibliography.--New York : Greenwood Press, 1987. xiii, 185 p. Z6824 .L39 1987 LH&G Smith, Elsdon Coles, 1903- Personal names : a bibliography.--New York : New York Public Library, 1952. 226 p. Z6824 .S55 LH&G BIBLIOGRAPHY--AUSTRIA Zwanziger, Ronald. Bibliographie der Namenforschung in Osterreich.--Wien : Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Namenforschung, 1980- . v. <1 > Z6824 .Z93 1980 [Bibliography of Name research in Austria.] Includes personal and geographical names in Austria. BIBLIOGRAPHY--BULGARIA Duridanov, Ivan. Bibliografiia na bulgarskata onomastika, 1940-1970. Sofiia : Sofiiski universitet "Kliment Okridski," Universitetska biblioteka, Katedra po obshto ezikoznanie, 1980. 403 p. Z6824 .D88 1980 [Bibliography of Bulgarian onomastics, 1940-1970.] French, German, and Bulgarian Cyrillic entries. BIBLIOGRAPHY--FRANCE Morlet, Marie Therese. Les etudes d'onomastique en France, de 1938 a 1970.--Paris : Societe d'etudes linguistiques et anthropologiques de France, 1981. 214 p. Z6824 .M67 1981 [Onomastic studies in France, from 1938 to 1970.] English, German, Spanish, and Russian summaries. Mulon, Marianne. L'onomastique francaise. Bibliographie des travaux publies jusqu'en 1960.--Paris : Documentation francaise, 1977. xvi, 454 p. Z2181 .G37M84 [French onomastics. Bibliography of works published before 1960]. Bibliography of personal names, geographical names, and etymologies in French. Mulon, Marianne. L'onomastique francaise. Bibliographie des travaux publies de 1960 a 1985.--Paris : Archives nationales : Diffuse par Documentation francaise, 1987. xxiv, 417 p. Z2181 .G37M83 1987 [French onomastics. Bibliography of works published from 1960 to 1985.] Concerns names, geographical names, and etymologies of names in French. General, regional and local studies, by department. Methodical. Detailed. BIBLIOGRAPHY--FRANCE--PICARDY Debrie, Rene. Bibliographie d'onomastique picarde.--Amiens : Universite de Picardie, 1985. 33 p. Z2181 .G37D43 1985 [Bibliography of Picard onomastics.] Index to locales and regions. Names of persons and places. BIBLIOGRAPHY--GERMANY-SLAVIC COUNTRIES Kempf, Gabriele. Bibliographie zur deutsch-slawischen Namenkunde.--Giessen : W. Schmitz, 1976- Z6824 .K45 [Bibliography about German-Slavic name research.] About Slavic names, and etymologies of names in Slavic languages. Bily, Inge. Beitrage zur Bibliographie der Namenforschung in der DDR.-- [Leipzig] : Karl-Marx-Universitet Leipzig, 1979. 67 p. Z6824 .B54 1979 [Contribution to the Bibliography of Name Research in the German Democratic Republic.] Bibliography of onomastics. DDR, USSR, Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia. BIBLIOGRAPHY--JEWISH AND HEBREW Jewish and Hebrew Onomastics. Z6824 .S5 References, dictionaries, books, and magazines. Sephardic and Yiddish names, North African, Asian, American, South American Jewish names. BIBLIOGRAPHY--ITALY--VENICE Cortelazzo, Michele A. Nomi propri : bibliografia veneta.--Padova : CLEUP, 1981. 49 p. Z2364 V38 C67 1981 [Proper names : Venetian bibliography.] Names of families, animals, and places, including regional cities. BIBLIOGRAPHY--MOLDAVA Eremiia, Anatolie. Moldavskaia onomastika, 1924-1984 : obzornyi ocherk issledovanii.--Kishinev : "Shtiintse", 1984. 141 p. Z6824 .E73 1984 [Moldavian name studies, 1924-1984.] 60 years worth of books on the etymology of names in Moldava, mostly written in Cyrillic characters. English summary. A few French and German entries. BIBLIOGRAPHY--NORWAY Aarset, Terje. Norsk personnamnbibliografi.--Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, c1979. 51 p. Z6824 .A18 [Norwegian personal name bibliography.] Includes Norwegian names in the USA. Organized alphabetically by counties of Norway. BIBLIOGRAPHY--ROMANIA Fratila, Vasile. Bibliografia onomasticii romanesti = Bibliographie der rumanischen Onomastik : 1944-1984.--Timisoara : Tip. Universitatii din Timisoara, 1985. 123 p. Z2928 .L5F73 1985 [Bibliography of Romanian onomastics : 1944-1984.] Introduction in German, rest in Romanian. Theory of naming; personal, place, and literary naming; Congresses. BIBLIOGRAPHY--SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Ariza Viguera, Manuel. Intento de bibliografia de la onomastica hispanica.--Caceres : Universidad de Extremadura, 1981. 116 p. Z6824 .A74 1981 [Contribution to a bibliography of hispanic onomastics.] Thematic classification, constituent elements of names, geographic locations, origins of Hispanic personal names for USA and Latin America. Sources in various languages. BIBLIOGRAPHY--SWITZERLAND Hubschmid, Johannes, 1916- Bibliographia onomastica helvetica.--Bernae : Bibliotheca Nationalis, 1954. 50p., fold. map. Z6824 .H8 [Bibliography of Swiss onomastics.] Index of subjects and authors. Methodology, bibliographies and sources for most Swiss places and personal names. German, French, Italian, and Romansch names. Detailed. II. PERIODICALS Namenkundliche Informationen.--[Leipzig : Universitat] P323 .N35 [Name Research Information.] Names. v1+ Mar. 1953+--Berkeley : University of California Press. quarterly. Journal of the American Names Society. P769 .N3 Nomina.--Hull, Eng. : English Names Studies. DA645. N65 Onoma. Bulletin d'information et de bibliographie. Bibliographical and information bulletin. v.1+. 1950+--Louvain : International Centre of Onomastics. Annual. P323 .O6 Revue Internationale d'Onomastique. t1+ mars/juin 1949+--Paris : Editions d'Artrey, [s.d.] : maps. quarterly. CS2300 .R4 [International Review of Onomastics.] III. SURNAMES BY COUNTRY ALBANIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Albanian personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1966. viii, 29 p. CS2930 .U5 ALGERIA Parzymies, Anna. Anthroponymie algerienne.--Varsovie : Editions scientifiques de Pologne, 1985. 126 p. CS3040 .P37 1985 [Algerian personal naming]. Concerns names of modern families of Turkish origin and Algerian personal names. Detailed, includes some Arabic characters, Turkish original forms, the personal name system in Algeria, and a linguistic commentary. ARMENIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Armenian personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1965. v l., 50 p. CS2980 .U5 Lists common Armenian surnames and first names in Armenian characters, transliterated into Roman and Cyrillic characters. Transliteration tables. AUSTRALIA--UKRAINIANS Radion, Stepan. Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in Australia.--Melbourne : Academia scientiarum Mohylo-Mazepiana Ukrainensis, Obtainable at Umman, 1981. xix, 176 p. CS2860 .U4 R32 1981 Summary in Ukrainian. Australian written sources which document use of Ukrainian names. Roman and Cyrillic characters. AUSTRIA Hornung, Maria, 1920- Lexikon osterreicher Familiennamen.--St. Polten : Niederosterreiches Pressehaus, 1989. 141 p. CS2545 .H67 1989 EUR West AU [Dictionary of Austrian family names.] Includes personal names in Germany. AUSTRIA--TIROL Finsterwalder, Karl. Tiroler Namenkunde.--Innsbruck : Inst. f. Deutsche Philologie d. Univ. Innsbruck, 1978. xxxv, 566 p. PF5356 .F5 [Tirolian name research.] AUSTRIA--VIENNA--CZECHS Neumann, Johann. Tschechische Familiennamen in Wien.--Wien : Holzhausen, 1977. 288 p. CS2830 .Z9 V45 1977 [Czech family names in Vienna ( Austria).] 15,690 Czech personal names. Research documents frequency and source of names. Interprets and translates each name. Helps German speakers to pronounce Czech names. BELGIUM Carnoy, Albert Joseph, 1878- Origines des noms de Familles en Belgique.--Louvain : Editions Universitas, 1953. 408 p. CS2940 .B4 C3 LH&G [Origins of family names in Belgium.] Vroonen, Eugene. Les noms de famille de Belgique.--Bruxelles : C. Dessart, [1957]. 2 v. CS2940 .B4 V7 LH&G [Family names of Belgium.] Etymological dictionary cum essay. BULGARIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Bulgarian personal names.--[Washington] : 1964. v l., 46 p. CS2860 .B8 U5 CANADA--NEWFOUNDLAND Seary, E.R. Family names of the island of Newfoundland.--St. John's : Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1977, 1978 printing. lxxvii, 541 p. CS2509 .N48 S4 LH&G CANADA--FRENCH CANADIANS Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope, 1848-1917. Les Canadiens-Francais.--Quebec : Garneau, 1914. 2 p. 1., [vii]-xxxiii, 611 p. CS2700 .D5 [The French Canadians.] Origin of families emigrating from France, Spain, Switzerland, to settle Canada from the foundation of Quebec to recent times. First published in 1914. CANADA--UKRAINIANS Bogdan, F. Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in Canada.--Winnipeg : Onomastic Commission of UVAN and Canadian Institute of Onomastic Sciences, 1974. 50, 354 p. CS2860 .U4 B63 EUR EAST UR Can be compared to similar names in Australia. CHINA Ch en, Ch eng-chih. A standard romanized dictionary of Chinese and Japanese popular surnames. Hanover, N.H. : Oriental Society, 1972. 681 p. CS2990 .C465 Sci Rdg United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Chinese personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1961. vii, 65 l. CS2990 .U5 Chinese characters transliterated into Roman and cyrillic characters. CZECHOSLOVAKIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Czech personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1964. vii l., 47 p. : map. CS2850 .C9 U5 Includes feminine and masculine endings for surnames. CZECHOSLOVAKIA--SLOVAKIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Slovak personal names.--[Washington] : 1964. vii l., 51 p. : map. CS2860 . S53 U5 DENMARK Fortegnelse over forbeholdte navne.--[Copenhagen] : Justitsministeriet, 1980. 391 p. CS2575 .F67 1980 [Register of approved names] Plain alphabetical list of surnames in Denmark. Knudsen, Gunnar, 1886-1952. Danmarks Gamle Personnavne. 2 v. in 4. v. 2= Tilnavn, A-K & L-0. Kobenhavn : Kommission hos G.E.C. Gad, 1936. CS2573 .K5 [Denmark's old personal names.]. Vol 2 is about Danish surnames. Gives year of appearance, bearer, location, and etymology. Kristiansen, Kristian, 1953- Danske ogenavne.--Kobenhavn : Lademann, [1984]. 80 p. : ill. CS2577 .K75 1984 [Danish personal names.] Includes nicknames. ESTONIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Estonian personal names.--[Washington] : 1965. vii, 65 p CS2860 .E8 U5 Includes Cyrillic and Roman lettering of surnames. FINLAND United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Finnish personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1963. v, 38 l. CS2900 .U5 FRANCE Beaucarnot, Jean Louis. Les noms de famille et leurs secrets.--Paris : R. Laffont, c1988. 355 p. CS2695 .B394 1988 [Family names and their secrets.] Cellard, Jacques. Tresors des noms de familles.--Paris : Belin, c1983. 335 p. : ill. CS2695 .C45 1983 [Treasures of family names.] Illustrated, etymologies. Chapuy, Paul. Origine des noms patronymiques francais.--Paris : Dorbon- aine, [1934]. 350 p., 1 l. CS2695 .C5 LH&G [Origin of French family names.] Dauzat, Albert, 1877-1955. Dictionnaire etymologique des noms de famille et prenoms de France.--Paris : Larousse, c1980. xxii, [3], 624 p. CS2691 .D3 1980. LH&G; 1951 ed. in MRR Alc; 1984 ed. in EUR West FR. [Etymological dictionary of family names and given names of France.] Dauzat, Albert, 1877-1955. Les noms de famille de France.--Paris : Guenegaud, 1977. ii, 471 p. : ill. CS2695 .D3 1977 LH&G [Family names of France.] Treatise on personal naming. FRANCE--BRITTANY Divanach, Marcel. 5000 [i.e. Cinq mille] patronymes bretons francises.--Brest : Editions du Vieux Meunier breton, 1975. 127 p. CS2398 .D58 LH&G [5000 Breton-French surnames.] Gouvril, Francis. Noms de famille bretons d'origine toponymique.--Quimper : Societe archeologique du Finistere, 1970. xlviii, 330 p. CS2398 .G63 [Breton family names originating in the names of places.] FRANCE--PROVENCE Compan, Andre. Etude d'anthroponyme provencale.--Lille : Atelier Reproduction des theses, Universite de Lille III; Paris : Diffusion H. Champion, 1976. 2 v., (vi, 829 p.). CS2695 .C65 1976 [Study of Provencal human naming.] Locations, bearers, and medieval dates. GERMANY Bahlow, Hans, 1900- Deutsches Namenlexikon.--Munchen : Keysersche Verlagsbuchhandlung, [1967]. 588 p. CS2541 .B3 LH&G [German Name dictionary.] Bahlow, Hans, 1900- Niederdeutsches Namenbuch.--[Walluf bei Wiesbaden] : M. Sandig, [c.1972]. 572 p. CS2545 .B33 LH&G [Lower German name book.] Brechenmacher, Josef Karlmann, 1877-1960. Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Familiennamen.-- Limburg a. d. Lahn : C.A. Starke-Verlag, [between 1961 and 1969, c.1957]. 2 v., port., 1.Bd. A-J. -- 2. Bd. K-Z. CS2545 .B73 LH&G [Etymological dictionary of German family names.] Familiennamenbuch.--Leipzig : Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig, c1987. 328 p. CS2545 .F36 1987 [Family name book.] Gottschald, Max. Deutsche Namenkunde.--Berlin; New York : de Gruyter, 1982. 667 p. CS2545 .G6 1982 LH&G; 1954 ed. in MRR Alc [German Name Research.] Our family names. Includes introduction to the study of Family names. Heintze, Albert, 1831-1906. Die deutschen Familiennamen.--Hildesheim : G. Olms, 1967. xiv, 536 p. CS2545 .H4 1967 LH&G [German family names.] Reprint of 1933 edition. History, geography, and linguistics of names. Maas, Herbert, 1928- Von Abel bis Zwicknagel.--Munchen : Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1964. 189, [2] p. CS2545 .M33 1964 [From Abel to Zwicknagel.] Gives locations of surnames and meanings. Seibicke, Wilfried. Die Personennamen im Deutschen.--Berlin; New York : de Gruyter, 1982. 227 p. CS2541 .S45 1982 [Personal names among the Germans.] United States. Central Intelligence Agency. German personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1961. vii, 34 l. CS2545 .U5 GERMANY--BERLIN--BULGARIANS Makedonski, Angel Michael. Bulgarische Familiennamen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschliesslich Berlin (West).--Neuried : Hieronymus, 1987. [xxiv], 242 p. CS2860 .B8 M35 1987 [Bulgarian family names in the Federal Republic of Germany, including West Berlin.] Etymologies, and sources. Roman, Cyrillic and Greek characters. GREAT BRITAIN Ewen, C. L'Estrange (Cecil L'Estrange), 1877- A guide to the origin of British surnames.--Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1969. 206 p. CS2505 .E78 1969 LH&G Ewen, C. L'Estrange (Cecil L'Estrange), 1877- A history of surnames of the British Isles.--Detroit : Gale Research Co., 1968. 1968. xx, 508 p. CS2505 .E8 1968 LH&G Discusses the origin, evolution, etymology and legal ststus of names. Guppy, H.B. (Henry Brougham), 1854-1926. Homes of family names in Great Britain.--Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1968. lxv, 601 p., maps. CS2505 .G85 1968 LH&G Harrison, Henry, d.1921. Surnames of the United Kingdom.--Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1969. 2 v. in 1. CS2505 .H32 LH&G A concise etymological dictionary. Reaney, Percy H.(Percy Hide), 1880-1968. A dictionary of British surnames.--London : Routledge and Paul, [1958]. lix, 366 p. CS2385 .R4 1976 ed. in LH&G; MRR Alc GREAT BRITAIN--ENGLAND Addison, William Wilkinson, Sir, 1905- Understanding English surnames.--London : Batsford, 1978. 176 p.,[8] p. of plates : ill., facsims. CS2505 .A3 LH&G Baring-Gould, S.(Sabine), 1834-1924. Family names and their story.--Detroit : Omnigraphics, 1990. 431 p. CS2501 .B35 1990 Cottle, Basil. The Penguin dictionary of surnames.--London : Allen Lane, 1978. 444 p. CS2505 .C67 1978 LH&G Dolan, J. R. English ancestral names.--New York : C.N. Potter ; distributed by Crown Publishers, [1972]. xvi, 381 p. CS2505 .D65 1972 Matthews, C.M. (Constance Mary), 1908- English surnames.--London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, [1966]. 359 p. CS2505 .M3 LH&G Reaney, Percy H. (Percy Hide), 1880-1968. The origin of English surnames.--New York : Barnes & Noble, [1967]. xix, 415 p. CS2505 .R4 1967b LH&G GREAT BRITAIN--ENGLAND--CORNWALL White, George Pawley. A handbook of Cornish surnames.--Cambourne, Cornwall : G.P. White, 1972. 70 p. CS2405 .W47 LH&G GREAT BRITAIN--ENGLAND--NORFOLK McKinley, R.A. (Richard Alexander). Norfolk and Suffolk surnames in the Middle Ages.--London : Phillimore, 1975. xiii, 175 p. CS2509 .N6 M29 LH&G McKinley, R.A. (Richard Alexander). Norfolk surnames in the sixteenth century.--Leicester : Leicester U.P., 1969. 60 p., 3 maps. CS2509 .N6 M3 1969 GREAT BRITAIN--ENGLAND--LANCASHIRE McKinley, R.A. (Richard Alexander). The surnames of Lancashire.--London : Leopard's Head Press, 1981. xiii, 501 p. CS2509 .L3 M34 1981 LH&G GREAT BRITAIN--ENGLAND--OXFORDSHIRE McKinley, R.A. (Richard Alexander). The surnames of Oxfordshire.--London : Leopard's Head Press, 1977. xi, 311 p. CS2509. O93 M38 1977 LH&G GREAT BRITAIN--ENGLAND--YORKSHIRE Redmonds, George, 1935- Yorkshire, West Riding.--Chichester : Phillemore, 1973. xiv, 314 p., [2] fold. p. of plates, maps. CS2509 .Y67 R4 LH&G Based on a Thesis, Leicester, 1970. Personal names in West Yorkshire. Weekley, Ernest, 1865-1954. Surnames.--[Folcroft, Pa.] : Folcroft Library Editions, 1974. xxii, 360 p. CS2505 .W5 1974 GREAT BRITAIN--ISLE OF MAN Moore, A. W. (Arthur William), 1853-1909. The surnames & place-names of the Isle of Man.--London : E. Strock, 1890. xiv, 372 p. Microfilm 8897 CS, MicRR GREAT BRITAIN--SCOTLAND Anderson, William, 1805-1866. Genealogy and surnames.--Edinburgh : W. Ritchie, 1865. Microfilm 8896 CS, MicRR Black, George Fraser, 1866-1948. The surnames of Scotland.--New York : The New York public library, 1946. lxxi, [1], 838 p. front. (port.). CS2435 .B55 LH&G; MRR Alc Includes glossary of obsolete or uncommon Scots words. Dorward, David Philip. Scottish surnames.--Edinburgh : Blackwood, 1978. ix, 70 p. : ill. CS2435 .D67 LH&G GREAT BRITAIN--SCOTLAND--ORKNEY ISLANDS Lamb, Gregor. Orkney surnames.--Edinburgh : P. Harris, 1981, c1980. 128 p. : ill. CS2439 .O75 L34 1981 GREAT BRITAIN--WALES Morgan, T.J. Welsh surnames.--Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 1985. 211 p. : ill. CS2445 .M67 1985 LH&G GREECE United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Greek personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1962. v 1., 45 p. CS2920 .U5 HUNGARY United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Hungarian personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1962. vii, 31 leaves. CS2910 .U5 IRELAND De Breffny, Brian. Irish family names.--Dublin : Gill and Macmillan, 1982. 192 p. CS2415 .D43 1982 LH&G Includes arms, origins and locations. Matheson, Robert E. (Robert Edwin), Sir, 1845-1926. Special report on surnames in Ireland.--Dublin, Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by A. Thom & co., (limited), 1894. 73, [1] p. : incl. tables. CS2415 .M3 1968 reprint in LH&G Gives frequency, varieties of, and synonyms of individual surnames in the counties of Ireland, based on the 1891 Census. IRELAND--ULSTER Bell, Robert, 1953- The book of Ulster surnames.-- Belfast St. Paul, Minn.: Blackstaff Press, 1988. 285 p. CS2415 .B45 1988 LH&G MacGiolla Domhnaigh, Padraig. Some Ulster surnames.--Baile Atha Cliath [Dublin] : Clodhanna Teo, [1974?]. 64 p. CS2419 .U37M3 1975 LH&G ITALY Bongioanni, Angelo. Nomi e cognomi.--Sala Bolognese : A. Forni, 1979. x, 268 p. CS2711 .B66 1979 [Names and surnames.] Etymologies and an index of surnames. De Felice, Emidio, 1918- Cognomi d'Italia.--Milano : A. Mondadori, c1978-. v (1 ). CS2715 .D39 1978 [Surnames of Italy.] v. 1 aba-D'uru. Location, significance, and etymology. De Felice, Emidio, 1918- Dizionario dei cognomi italiani.--Milano : A. Mondadori, 1978. 351 p. CS2715 .F44 LH&G [Dictionary of Italian surnames.] De Felice, Emidio, 1918- I cognomi italiani.--Bologna : Il mulino, 1981. viii, 400 p., [6] p. of plates : ill. CS2715 .D4 [Italian surnames.] Frequency of name by region and community. Fucilla, Joseph Guerin, 1897- Our Italian surnames.--Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1987, c1949. xi, 299 p. CS2715 .F8 1987 LH&G 1949 ed. in MRR Alc ITALY--SICILY Rohlfs, Gerhard, 1892- Soprannomi siciliani.--Palermo : Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani, 1984. 142 p. CS2719 .S53 R65 1984 [Sicilian nicknames.] JAPAN Gillis, I.V. (Irvin Van Gorder), 1875-1948. Japanese surnames. Peking : [printed by Hwa hsing press], 1939. [413] p. CS3000 .G5 Japanese characters with Roman letter transliteration. O'Neill, P.G.(Patrick Geoffrey). Japanese surnames. New York : John Weatherhill, 1972. xvi, 359 p. CS3000 .O53 1972 Japanes names by number of strokes, 1-36. Romanization of characters to Reading surnames. Names by era, place names and literary names. KOREAN United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Korean personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1962. vi, 46 l. CS3012 .U5 Dialects, vocabulary, writing systems, transcription from Korean characters into Roman characters. LITHUANIAN United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Lithuanian personal names.--[Washington : s.n., 196-. v l., 32 p. CS2880 .U5 Names in Cyrillic and Roman letters. NETHERLANDS AND FLANDERS Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam . Commissie voor Naamkunde. Nederlands repertorium van familienamen.--Assen : Van Gorcum, 1963-19 CS2525 .A4 [Netherlands stock of family names.] Arranged by province, by town, then by surname. Gives frequency of surnames. v.1 Drenthe v.2 Friesland v.3 Groningen v.4 Utrecht v.5 Zeeland v.6 Overijsel v.7 Amsterdam v.8 Gelderland v.9 s'Gravenhage v.10 Rotterdam v.11 Noord Brabant The origins of names and their effect on genealogical research in the Netherlands.--Salt Lake City, Utah : The Dept., c1978. 19 p., ill. CS814 .O75 1978 LH&G Plank, A. N. W. van der. Het namenboek.--Bussum : Romen, c1979. xxvi, 332, [1]p. CS2521 .P58 [The name book.] Winkler, Johan, 1898- De Nederlandsche geslachtsnamen in oorsprong, geschiedenis en beteekenis.--Zaltbommel : Europese Bibliotheek, [1971]., x 637 p. CS2525 .W5 1971 LH&G [Dutch lineage names in origin, history and meaning.] NORWAY Flom, G.T. (George Tobias), 1871-1960. Norwegian surnames.--[Menasha, Wis. : s.n., 1918], 16p. CS2590 .F6 Short essay in English on Norwegian surnames. Moss, Astrid. 2000 [i.e. To tusen] nye slektsnavn.--Kongsvinger : Glamdal papirindustri, 1947. 61 p. CS2597 .M6 [2,000 new family names.] Plain alphabetical list of Norwegian surnames. POLAND United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Polish personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1962. vii, 50 leaves. CS2840 .U5 PORTUGAL Basic Portuguese paleography.--Salt Lake City : Utah U.S., The Department, 1978. 41 p., facsims. Z115 .P8 B37 1978 Guerios, Rosario Farani Mansur,1907- Dicionario etimologico de nomes e sobrenomes.--Sao Paulo : Editora Ave Maria, 1981. 267 p. CS2761 .G8 1981 1949 ed. in LH&G [Etymological dictionary of names and surnames.] Proper names in Portuguese. Vasconcellos, J. Leite de (Jose Liete), 1858-1941. Antroponimia portuguesa.--Lisboa : Imprensa nacional, 1928. xix, 659, [1] p. CS2761 .L4 LH&G; Microfilm 75106 CS [Portuguese study of personal naming.] Comparative treatise on the origin, significance, classification, of proper names, surnames, appelations. ROMANIA Iordan, Iorgu, 1888- Dictionar al numelor de familie romanesti.--Bucuresti : editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, 1983. 502 p. CS2735 .I67 1983 LH&G [Dictionary of names of Romanian families.] United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Rumanian personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1961. vii, 20 l. CS2735 .U5 RUSSIA Benson, Morton. Dictionary of Russian personal names.--Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [1967]. v, 175 p. CS2811 .B4 1967 LH&G Includes guide to stress and morphology. Inflection of names in Russian. Comprehensive listing of Russian surnames with transliterated English forms.--[s.l. : s.n.], 1971. 2 v. CS2815 .C65 Transliteration of Russian language into English, by C.I.A. v.1 Russian Cyrillic alphabetical order to Roman characters. v.2 English alphabetical order to Cyrillic characters. Detherage, Melvin E. Soviet surnames, a handbook.--[Oberammergau? Ger.], 1962. 333 l. CS2815 .D4 EUR EAST UR U.S. Army Field Detachment R Unbegaun, Boris Ottokar, 1898-1973. Russian surnames.--Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1972. xviii, 529 p. PG2576 .U5 LH&G; EUR East UR Etymology of names in the Russian language. United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Russian Personal Names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1968. CS2375 .R9U5 SERBIA AND CROATIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Serbo-Croatian personal names.--[Washington] : 1962. vii, 32 leaves. CS2850 .U5 EUR East YU SLOVENIA United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Slovenian personal names.--[Washington] : 1962. v, 14 l. CS2860 .S55 U5 SOUTH AFRICA Rosenthal, Eric. South African surnames. Cape Town : H. Timmins, 1965. 262 p. CS3080 .S6 R6 Commonest names, some famous names, etymology, and countries of origin of European surnames. SPAIN Godoy Alcantara, Jose, 1825-1875. Ensayo historico etimologicofilologico sobre los apellidos castellanos.--Barcelona : El Albir, 1980. 4 leaves, 280 p. CS2741 .G7 1980 [Historic, etymological, philological essay on Castillian names.] Reprint of 1871 original. Foreign, religious, geographical, and historical names. Gorden, Raymond L. Spanish personal names as barriers to communication between Latin Americans and North Americans.--Yellow Springs, Ohio : Antioch College, 1968. viii l., 142 p. CS2741 .G76 Spanish personal names in Latin America. Done for the US Dept. of Education. Cultural patterns. Full names, nombre completos, alphabetization of Spanish names, and the most popular names in Latin America. Maduell, Charles R. The romance of Spanish surnames.--[New Orleans?] : s.n., 1967. xiii, 221 p. CS2745 .M3 LH&G Morton, William E. U.S. Bureau of the Census list of Spanish surnames.--[s.l. : s.n.], 1968 (Portland University of Oregon Medical School). iii, 96 p. CS2745 .M67 Spanish personal names in the USA. revised 20 October 1967. Brief discussion plus a plain list of surnames. Santos, Richard G. Origin of Spanish names.--[San Antonio? Tex.] : R.G. Santos, c1981. iii, 87 p. : ill. CS2741 .S33 LH&G Tibon, Gutierre, 1905- Diccionario etimologico comparado de los apellidos espanoles, hispanoamericanos y filipinos.--Mexico : Editorial Diana, 1988. xxii, 433 p. CS2745 .T53 1988 [Comparative etymological dictionary of Spanish, Latin American and Filipino surnames.] Indexes 43,000 names. Tibon, Gutierre, 1905- Onomastica hispanoamericana: indice de siete mil nombres y apellidos castellanos, vascos, arabes, judios, italianos, indoamericanos, etc. y un indice toponimico.--Mexico : Tipografica Editorial Hispano Americana, [1961]. 360 p. : ill. CS2745 .T5 LH&G [Hispanic American name study : index of 6,000 Castillian, Basque, Arabic, Jewish, Italian, Amerindian names and surnames, etc., and a place name index.] SPAIN--BASQUE PROVINCES Michelena, Luis. Apellidos vascos.--San Sebastian : Txertoa, [1973], p. CS2940 .B37 M52 1973 [Basque names.] Etymologies, ancient numbers, medieval numbers, names, dictionary of names. Mogrobejo, Endika. Diccionario etimologico de apellidos vascos. Bilboa : EW. Mogrobejo Zabala, [1982?], 246 p.. ill. CS2940 .B37 M64 1982 LH&G [Etymological dictionary of Basque names.] Oyhamburu, Philippe. Euskal deituren hiztegia.--Ossas-Suhare : Hitzak, [19910- CS2940 .B37 O94 1991 [Dictionary of Basque patronymics]. v.1 Aanda-Duranola. In French, Spanish and Basque. Detailed essay. Etymologies. SPAIN--CATALONIA Moll, Francesc de B (Francesc do Borja), 1903- Els llinatges catalans (Catalunya, Pais Valencia, Illes Balears).--Mallorca, Moll, 1982. 387p. CS2770 .C3 M6 1982 [Catalonian names (Catalonia, Region of Valencia, Balearic Islands).] SWEDEN United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Swedish personal names.--[Washington] : s.n., 1967. v 1., 46 p. CS2605 .U5 SWITZERLAND Familiennamenbuch der Schweiz=.--Zurich : Schulthess, c1989. 3 v. (xxx, 2082 p._ CS2625 .F34 1989 LH&G [Family name book of Switzerland.] Lists the canton, community, and the year or century when family members became citizens. v.1 Aab to Gorsky. v.2 Gort to Ritter. v.3 Ritter to Zysset. In German, French, Italian, Romansh, and English. SURNAMES IN GENERAL Hanks, Patrick. A dictionary of surnames.--Oxford [England], New York : Oxford University Press, 1988. liv, 826 p. CS2385 .H27 1988 LH&G Etymologies, names from the world over, including Jewish names. Well known publisher. TURKEY United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Turkish personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1961. v 1., 22 p. CS3040 .U5 Modern Turkish names, spelling, pronunciation. The reform of Turkish surnames in 1935. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hook, J.N.(Julius Nicholas), 1913- Book of Names. CS2481 .H66 1983 MRR Alc Personal and geographical names in the USA. Hook, J. N.(Julius Nicholas), 1913- Family names.--New York : Macmillan; London : Collier Macmillan, c1982. 388 p. CS2487. H66 1982 LH&G How our surnames came to America. Some anecdotes and etymology. Jones, George Fenwick, 1916- German-American names.--Baltimore, Md. : Genealogical Pub. Co., c1990. 268 p. : ill. CS2487 .J66 1990 LH&G Dictionary with brief meanings. 59 page introductory essay. Maissen, Augustin. L'americanisaziun dils nums de schlatteina, romontschs e grischuns.--[Grischun, Switzerland], Ediziuns della Revista retoromontscha, 1965. 19 p. CS2770 .R34 M35 1965 The Americanization of Raetic (Romansch, German, Italian) Family names of Canton Graubunden, Switzerland. English summary. Smith, Elsdon Coles, 1903- American surnames.--Philadelphia : Chilton Book Co., [1969]. xx, 370 p. CS2485. S63 LH&G; MRR Alc Personal names in the USA. Smith, Elsdon Coles, 1903- Dictionary of American family names.--New York : Harper, [1956]. xxxiv, 244 p. CS2481 .S55 20,000 U.S. personal names, with nationality and definition. Published in 1972 as : New dictionary of American family names. West, Robert Cooper, 1913- An atlas of Louisiana surnames of French and Spanish origin.- -Baton Rouge, Geoscience Publications, Louisiana State University, 1986. ix, 217 p. : maps. E184 .F8 W46 1986 LH&G Where the good times roll. Woods, Richard Donovan. Spanish surnames in the southwestern United States.--Boston : G.K. Hall, c.1978. xv, 154 p. CS2745 .W66 LH&G; MRR Alc A dictionary with meanings, locations, history. Includes Portuguese names. VIETNAM United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Vietnamese personal names. [Washington] : s.n., 1961. vii, 36 l. CS3050 .V5 U5 Family , middle, given, and additional names. IV. SURNAMES BY CULTURE JEWS Kaganoff, Benzion C. A dictionary of Jewish names and their history. New York : Schocken Books, 1977. xiii, 250 p. CS3010 .K28 LH&G Essay, and etymologies. Stichting Nederlands Joods Familiearchief. Nederlands Joods familiearchief. Amsterdam : Scheltema & Holkema; Polak & Van Gennep, 1967. 1 v. (loose leaf). CS3010 .S79 [Dutch Jewish family archive.] Lists surnames, given names, year recorded, and references to list where name was recorded. MENNONITE Peters, Victor. Mennonitische Namen.--Marburg : N.G. Elwert, 1987. 247 p. : ill., ports. CS2389 .P47 1987 LH&G [Mennonite Names.] descendants of Swiss Anabaptists who migrated to southern Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. SURNAMES To discover examples of European, or Mexican names from the 1500s forward, by country, and county, search the International Genealogical Index (IGI), a set of 56 CD-ROMS on a computer, available in the Local History and Genealogy Reading room. For learn the frequency of surnames in the USA, borne by more than 10,000 individuals, consult the Social Security Administration's Report of Distribution of Surnames in the Social Security Number File, dated 1984, SuDocs number HE3.2:SO 1, available in the Newspaper and Current Periodicals Reading Room LM 133. In LH&G, in the vertical file, under "Surnames, distribution in Social Security File", is the 1974 edition. For establishing a recent frequency, or geographic distribution of a US surname, consult the CD-ROM entitled PhoneDisc--East or Phone-Disc West, (west of the Mississippi), in the Jefferson Building , Machine Readable Reading Room JG-18, Monday through Friday, 12 to 4 p.m. To search the SCORPIO database for 245 reference books about personal names kept in the Local History and Genealogy Reading Room, the European Reading Room, or the Main Reading Room, the commands are : bgns loci/prem find lh&g and s names, personal--;f=gb 160 books in LH&G RR find eur and s names, personal--;f=gb 43 books in European RR find mrr and s names, personal--;f=gb 42 books in Main RR ***Last update 6/10/94 (lk)*** .